Practicing Photography Blog
I also invite you to join my YouTube Channel where I share a lot of photography tips, how to videos, as well as some of my adventures.
Below, you’ll find a collection of my blog posts from over the years, offering detailed explanations and tips that complement the themes of my newsletters. Don't miss out—let’s grow together in our photography journey!
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Photography 101: Understanding ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture
Photography 101: Understanding ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture
Settings you must learn to advance your photography skills.
Camera BackPacks are the 8th Gift - Here is My Favorite Brand
It is important to get the right backpack.
Third Gift of 12: Invest in the Best Batteries for Cameras
Charge me up - Batteries included
12 Gift Countdown: Day 2 Features the Ultimate Memory Card Holder
Protect your memory cards.
Exposure Braketing (AEB) - Photo Tip 155
Add the 2 second timer when using exposure bracketing to let the camera take all your bracketed photos.
Mastering Sharpness in Wildlife Photography: Techniques That Make a Difference
What is something every photographer should know about getting sharper images on their photos.
Mastering Sharpness in Wildlife Photography: Essential Tips on Light and Budget-Friendly Gear
Oh, yes Dear, you do need to invest in some gear for wildlife photography.
Targeted Practice - Photo Tip 153
Targeted practice is an effective method to enhance your photography skills. Join me on a quest to refine my sharpening techniques.
Easiest Way to Enhance Your Photography - Photo Tip 152
Do you want to improve your photography skills? This is the first step and the step you need to take to every day.
Easy iPhone Tricks for Dramatic Lake Photos
Use the smartphone of your choice for photos like this.