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Capturing Leading Lines in your Photos

Capturing leading lines in photography is a powerful technique to draw the viewer's eye into the image and create a sense of depth and dimensionality. Whether you're shooting landscapes, architecture, or portraits, incorporating leading lines can add a dynamic element to your photos. In this article, I share settings that I use.

Last week’s blog post was titled:

Small Town Photo Tour: A Hands-On Learning Experience to Enhance Your Photography Skills - UPDATED!

This week is 1 of 8 that will follow as I share a PDF for each of the eight photo ideas that will work as a cheat sheet to get you started with the settings for your camera. Click the image to the right for access to the PDF file.

Choose either Manual Mode or Aperture Priority. Both choices allow you to have control over the aperture setting which is the key for this assignment.

For leading lines, it is likely that you will want much of the scene to be in focus. This means you will want to try to get a higher aperture setting. On the PDF I suggest F8.0 - F11, but go higher if you can so that both the foreground and background are in focus

Try to keep the ISO low for better color and avoid noise that is present in photos shot with a high ISO.

Shutter Speed:

Will be automatic in aperture priority mode. In manual mode use shutter speed to adjust exposure to support the desired aperture

Focal Length:
Your choice to frame the composition to include the leading lines.