Don't Ruin Your Photos With Wrong Settings

I just saw a Youtube Short from a photographer that I follow and his technique is similar to mine - though I still get it wrong from time to time.

What I am talking about is when you start taking photos your camera is on some obscure setting that is not going to be good for the current conditions. Here are few settings that have caused me issues:

  • Setting the camera to Manual Focus

  • Setting a high fixed ISO 12,800

  • Disabled RAW photos storage

  • Exposure compensation

  • Shutter delay

  • Focus mode

Zac Watson’s technique is here: Never Make This Photography Mistake Again - YouTube

My technique is almost the same it is just when to check your settings. Zach recommends resetting the camera to a basic setting that will fit most daytime settings. My technique is to review my camera setup before I leave my house to go on a photo shoot. If you take mostly landscape photos his method is great for that niche. If you have a different niche that you do most often, you can come up with the settings you may want to preset. I tend to do a wide variety of photo shoots so setting my camera up before leaving the house seems to work for me.

Bottom line, both techniques will work - pick one and get into the practice of setting that up so you “Don’t Ruin Your Photos With Wrong Settings”


Photo Tips 99 - Everyday Activities


Change is Good - Photo Tip 98