Improve Photo Composition - Best and Challenging
George Street Bridge
Aurora, Indiana
Have you ever seen someone else's photo only to wish you thought of that composition? This happens to me all too often, but I had an idea but turns out it wasn't as original as I thought. No problem: Great minds think alike. This idea is to overshoot the scene. By that, I am not talking about the "spray" and "pray" technique with the multi shoot option on many cameras. "Spray" and "pray" is great to have in your bag of tricks when you are trying to capture the action shots from the soccer player or maybe a bird in flight.
So, if it is not "spray" and "spray" and you paid attention to the title: "Improve Composition with 50 or 100", what is it? This technique is not easy is it may sound rather it will challenge and make you think. The number 50 or 100 is depending on you. Notice that I didn't provide an option for 25 because that is too easy.
The technique is to choose 50 or 100 as the minimum number of different photos you are going to take of a scene, object, person, etc. Though it may be a bit much for a portrait. I tried this with the George Street Bridge in Aurora, Indiana. Getting 50 shots was a challenge for me after I got all the obvious angles but I persisted. Hindsight, I wish I had set my count to 50 as none of the photos turned out to be photo contest worthy. It also didn't help that it was a dreary day. Nonetheless, I was on an adventure anyway. Out of the 50 angles, this was my favorite.